Sunday 22 April 2012

iOpen a Restaurant REVIEW

Yes it's 2:30am and I just finished watching iOpen a Restaurant!  Seems it's much easier to find it during the wee hours of the morning here in Canada!

Synopsis:  Gibby opens a restaurant in the basement of Ridgeway.  Sam becomes his partner and they become pretty successful.  Some guy gets out of juvie and starts giving Gibby a hard time!  Sam gets out the butter sock and kicks that guys ASS.  Mr. Howard catches Gibby and Sam but it seems Principal Franklin is already a customer at the restaurant.  Howard was told by Billy the bully what Gibby and Sam were doing.  In the end Franklin pretends to shut down Gibby's but asks them to keep it open after Mr. Howard leaves!

Subplot:  The Shays are robbed during an iCarly show.  Spencer makes a robot that shoots popcorn (unpopped) at anyone who moves.  Spencer mistakenly arms it and can't unarm it, causing Freddie, Carly and Spencer to be trapped.  Later Mrs. Benson becomes the target of the robot in an attempt for Spencer to unplug it.  By the time he does the popcorn runs out anyway.

Minisubplot:  Freddie's crush on Carly returns!

I loved this episode!  It was hilarious!

Parts I loved:
As a huge Creddie fan I loved when Freddie says "is it too late for you to love me?"  and Carly was like...what?  and he denied saying anything.  Than later in the restaurant he wants to follow Carly out and Sam you have a new crush on Carly?  Once again...denial.

Gibby's love of pepper flakes in everything including the lemonade.  And the return AGAIN of Gibby's head near the Gibby's sign.

Sam asks for a pound of butter in preparation of beating the crap out of Billy with the butter sock.  The voilent beating sprays butter all over Gibby's face!

The awesome action scene where Spencer, Carly and Freddie dive over the counter to escape from the robot.

Carly was hilarious when she at the pepper in her food and drink and then ran screaming up the stairs, then down again and then back up.

Parts I didn't love:

NONE!  I actually appreciated seeing Mr. Howard, Mrs. Benson, Gibby's head, Mr. Franklin and the butter sock.  No T-Bo was fine too!

I rate this a 5/5 cause it was VERY AWESOME.  I can't wait til next episode which is rumoured to be iPear Store where Freddie gets a job followed by iHalfoween (with Freddie dressed as Lewbert and Carly as sushi).

Oh and at the end the credit clip was Freddie telling everyone that boys do indeed cry and the four dudes crying.

And now I shall go watch it again!  Once again...I wish itunes Canada got updated episodes FASTER! I'd buy this one right now.


  1. It's weird we had such differing opinions. I thought that was one of the worst episodes. It made no sense. I did like the Carly crush and pepper flakes but that was it.

  2. that's too bad cause I loved it. Maybe cause I just liked them getting back to Freddie's crush! I also like the whole gangsta style of Gibby's restaurant. Maybe we'll agree on iHalfoween! Why don't you write a review of this one underneath mine. We can have multiple reviews!
