Sunday 8 April 2012

iGo One Direction REVIEW!

Yes!  I finally found a channel to play it on!  So for you Canadian Fans, this was a GREAT episode.  Let's get to it:

Main Plot:
Carly and Spencer return from a tropical locale where Carly has contracted "jungle worms".  She is told she is contagious.  So she uses this little water bottle with handguns that Spencer got her in Texas.  No one is to drink from this water bottle.  One Direction sends an email to Freddie that they will appear on iCarly!  Sam, Carly, and Gibby start to scream and get very excited (Gibby is a HUGE fan).  While rehearsing Harry drinks out of Carly's water bottle and gets the worms.  He can't perform!  Well at least we think he can't.  Turns out Harry was sick for 2 days and then got better but liked Carly taking care of him so he fakes a few more days.  To get him back they pretend to replace him in the band with Gibby!  Harry then admits he's well and they perform on iCarly.

Spencer gets an exercise machine from the junk yard.  A hot chick comes to the door and is impressed by the machine so he pretends he's a personal trainer.  BUT the hot chick sends her brat daughter to get trained.  The daughter admits that no one likes her and insists she needs a makeover.  So in a montage Spencer makes her over...hideously.  At the end the girl runs down the hallway!

Great Parts:

SO MANY!  I loved this episode.
Gibby's love for One Direction is quite hilarious.  He screams and jumps up and down like a girl.  He keeps a scrapbook that he says is his sister's and gets it signed by 1D.  He also truly believes he is replacing Harry and wonders what the "plan" is.
Carly calls Freddie "hot pants" at one point in time.
The entire Groovy Smoothie scene is hilarious.  Sam tells Carly Harry is faking his illness.  Freddie admits, if Carly was taking care of HIM like that he'd fake it too.  He calls Carly's care "Hotel Carlifornia" and then says "yeah I said it, and I'm proud".

Sam tells the guys (1D) she is NOT currently dating anyone and at the end of the episode she is seen dragging one of the guys into the elevator with her.

Meanwhile two standards return!  #1 Sam mentions the buttersock as a way to get Harry to quit faking being sick.  #2 Gibby's head shows up at the end during song.

At the end of Spencer's story as the girl runs away he yells "our story can't end like this!  There has to be a resolution!"  Awesome.  And Sam tells him he's a tall marshmallow when he tells them he's fit.

So many awesome moments!  I have nothing bad to say, I LOVED IT!  5/5!!!

Can't wait to see it on YTV.  I'll let you know the airdate as soon as I get find it.

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