Sunday 29 January 2012

iBalls Review

Okay Canadian FANS.  I did indeed find a copy of iBalls out there on my secret line.  So here is my review!


Main Plot:  Freddie wants to host iCarly when Carly goes to take care of her grandfather in Yakima for the weekend.  Sam and Carly aren't too sure he should because well, apparently he isn't so creative.  Freddie writes a bit for iCarly about a robot and it's not very funny.

He then feels bad and Sam tells him to keep working on his 3D technology.  So he hooks up iCarly to his 3D tech and all the viewers eyes go screwy.  Freddie feels bad AGAIN.  Until this girl with an eye condition is cured by his 3D tech.

Sub plot:  Spencer gets an assistant Marty who helps him with everything.  But Spencer can't afford to keep Marty so he rents out 1/2 his room to a very disgusting man.  Marty quits so Spencer won't have to rent his room.  Spencer is sad to see him go, and a montage happens.


Freddie gets to host!  I am a huge Freddie fan!  After all, I had a lot of guy friends in junior high and high school, so I feel like he's a long lost friend.  I was very sad when his attempt failed..and I felt sorry for him!

Sam trying to comfort Freddie and not doing a very good job.

Baggles...nuff said.

Overall impression!

Although this is not one of my faves, I did enjoy it.  I don't know why I didn't like it as much as other episodes, maybe because I needed more Carly.  She is quite funny and was barely in it.
Maybe I didn't like it as much because it rags on Freddie too much.  I want Freddie to kick some ass!  So when all his stuff goes wrong...I just can't be happy because I just care about his little Freddie heart!

I give it 3 out of 5 stars.

iStill Psycho Review

For those of you who reside in Canada you may NOT have seen this one yet.  It was released in the US sometime ago.  I have managed to see it through the channels of secrecy.  Hopefully it will air on YTV or NICK soon.

The Synopsis

Nora from iPsycho is up for parole.  The iCarlys go to the jail to give their victim statements and keep her in there.  BUT Carly's guilt causes them to set her free.  Of course Nora has a party and they are invited and guilts them into going.  Nora and her mother trap the kids again, this time using Spencer as blackmail by putting him on a wheel and spinning him.  Gibby escapes up the chimney but gets stuck.  Finally the girls shock Freddie and set his chip off causing Mrs. Benson and T-Bo to come to their rescue.

Subplot:  T-Bo's real personality is discovered by Mrs. Benson and she kicks him out of the apartment.  Later she lets him back in after he helps save Freddie.

Awesome Bits!

The return of the butter sock gets a THUMBS UP!  I love that sock.  Sam is going to use it to whack up Nora's family, but Carly stops her.

Gibby creates a head of himself and proceeds to ask if it "Blows your mind?" it.

Gibby stuck in the chimney is quite hilarious and the little montage of Spencer yelling "I'm on a wheel" while Gibby yells "chimney" is quite fun!

Nora continues her love of Freddie by trying to dance with him and then kissing him on the table for quite a while, while Carly and Sam do nothing but eat cake.

Carly thinks Freddie is cute sleeping, and Sam decides to throw him off the couch.
I hope (as a Creddie fan) that this develops a little more.  I'd like nothing more than to have Freddie finally get his overall wish to have Carly love him for real.

The return of the fencing Bensons comes back when Mrs. Benson comes in and uses two hanging swords to battle Nora and her mom.  Epic!!!

I love how the writers incorporate past things like the sock and the fencing.  That's awesome.  They also had Gibby asked to take his shirt off...which he said "I do that a lot less now!".

Final Words

I have NOTHING bad to say about this episode.  I loved both storylines and laughed very hard.  This was a 5 star episode!

Saturday 28 January 2012

iCarly lover creates blog

Hello fellow iCarly watchers!  First of all, you need to know that I am an ADULT viewer.  I was introduced in December to the show and loved it so much I've seen every episode.  My issue currently is that I live in CANADA and new episodes are not available to me, even on itunes.  SO I find them in my own special way (which shall remain secret)...and I have indeed watched them all!

Here you will find my reviews from a 37 year olds point of view.  I do teach 9 and 10 year olds so I do chat with them about what they like about the program too.  Feel free to comment NICELY on my blog.  I will delete you if you slag me or are mean about the actors etc.

Welcome and enjoy!!