Friday 3 February 2012

ILost My Mind AND the Rosie Show

Sorry about the lull!  I've decided to rewatch the entire 5th season of ICarly and start from there.

So Episode 1 was called "iLost my mind" and followed up on the 4th season cliffhanger of the Seddie kiss in the courtyard.


Sam checks herself into a mental hospital after kissing Freddie.  The gang tries to set her free but can't unless they have her mom come in.  Spencer dresses up like Pam Puckett and gets caught.  Since Sam can't leave, they film iCarly from the hospital and Freddie kisses Sam.

Subplot:  Jim Parsons guest stars as a mental patient who thinks he's from the future.


Since I have a tiny crush on Mr. Freddie (as I said he reminds me of my high school crushes), I was glad to see him with the chick action!  Loved his talking to the iCarly audience at the end and then just laying one on Sam.  Very cute!

Gibby's hilarious flying through the air and landing on the nurse.

Jim Parsons (Caleb) merging West Virgina and Virginia into one HUGE Virginia.


Yes I actually have some.  I did not enjoy Jim Parsons in this role other than the above quote.  I found his character too much like Sheldon, especially the first line about some chemicals.  I love Jim Parsons so it's hard to write that!  But I wanted him to play something very opposite Sheldon.

That's my only negative.

Deja Vu

I love how the iCarly writers will throw in stuff from past episodes.  This one had Spencer dressing like a woman again and the crazy Seddie fan from iStart a Fan War was back yelling SEDDIE!

I give this episode a 4 out of 5 JUST cause Freddie gets action!

Now for my Rosie update.

So the cast appeared on the Rosie show on the Own network a few weeks back.  I was so excited because I've never found an interview with all of them in one show.

What I really liked was all the talk from the cast.  I really wanted MORE of that.  What ended up happening AS USUAL, is that Rosie focussed on herself the entire episode.  Her daughter got to meet the cast and show us all that celeb kids get stuff other's don't.  THEN Rosie went on and on about this performing arts school they were filming at that she helped create.  The most annoying parts were when the cast was asked questions and ROSIE would comment as if she was being interviewed too.

NO ONE CARES ROSIE!!!  I just wanted to hear about the cast, not about when you became a star and what that is like for you.  That was majorly annoying.

I also did not like having the performing arts kids ask questions because they just don't ask good ones to be honest.  Now put that cast on Ellen..that's what I want to see!  She'd ask some great questions!
Oh and Rosie's kid was the one with the mic walking all over the place.  Lucky celeb kid.

So I had a lot of negatives.  Rosie also got a lot WRONG.  She said their season was premiering...but iMet the first lady was not the 1st episode of the season.  Also she referenced OLD OLD iCarly stuff like the first kiss between Freddie and Sam.  I was like...get with the NOW lady.

Anyway, next time iCarly cast, go on Ellen.  Rosie did not interview you well and you were forced to listen to her stories about herself AND then hear the kids sing the theme song, twice.  Yikes.

Run iCarly's run.

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