Friday 4 January 2013

iHave a Love Sick Teacher Review

iHave a Love Sick Teacher  #24 on YTV
Originally Aired:  July 25, 2008 (25th), Filmed 25th (125)
Last episode of Season 1!

Synopsis:  Carly gets in trouble when she "sasses" Miss Ackerman during class.  Spencer comes in to have a conference with her and they end up liking each other.  But this is NOT good for Spencer because she is PSYCHO!  After repeated crazy behaviour Spencer dumps her and she becomes evil again.  Luckily she is also an illegal song downloader so the iCarlys trap her into admitting on iCarly and she gets arrested.  Boo yah.

Fun Facts:  
Gibby appears again to help Sam bowl in the hallway
Freddie is revealed to study in the bathtub.
We meet another inept teacher - Miss Ackerman, who teaches History...sort of.  I object to these teachers cause I am a teacher and we aren't allowed to behave that way.  You can't give out physical punishments and you can't be so psychotic.  Otherwise we'd all do it!  Just kidding :)
Ashley Argota from another Nick show plays another student.
We get a sneak peek and how Spencer is as a big brother, cheering Carly up.
I'd date Spencer, he's cute.
This is the first person Spencer dates from Ridgeway, he also dates another staff member Jenna, later.
When Miss Ackerman tries to cut Spencer's hair it is paralleled when Lewbert's psycho ex tries to cut his by force in iFind Lewbert's Lost Love.
Teachers are NOT allowed to use cell phones to call their boyfriends during class.
They are also not allowed to take their classes ice skating spontaneously without field trip forms and permission.
Spencer is once again shown to be a good cook, he cooks many meals during the series.
Carly shows a tiny bit of jealousy when Freddie won't stop looking at Miss Ackerman.
iTunes sells songs at 1.99 in Canada which means she stole 1000 dollars of music.
Only time we see Spencer pump his guns with a barbell.  He does exercise in a later episode but only in 10 second intervals.
Spencer's two favourite animals are a panda and a pig.
Thank god the voters went with break up or that vote would have been bad news for Spencer.
The second plant that Miss Ackerman breaks is MUCH larger than the first one.
When the men come and arrest her, they wouldn't be allowed to do that in front of children.  The school would have a procedure for that.  And no class would be left unattended.

Spencer Side Count:  Dates the psycho teacher.

Penny Tee Count:  Parole Baby - worn by Carly.  Parole Baby was a phrase said by Sam's cousin in iStakeout.

Review:  I think Spencer is hilarious in this!  I love how he comforts Miss Ackerman with tricks he uses on Carly.  "Don't skies".  Although I object to teachers constantly looking like psycho freaks, I do enjoy the pyscho dating of Miss Ackerman.  I do NOT agree with ripping apart stuffed animals.

Total Score: 4/5 - Cause I object to the inept psycho teacher references and stuffed animal tragedy.

1 comment:

  1. Also fun fact that the stuffed panda and stuffed pig that Ms Ackerman decapitated was actually Carly's stuffed animals and that's part of the reason why she was so horrified.
