iPromote Techfoots #17 on YTV
Originally Aired: March 15, 2008 (18th), Filmed 17th (117)
Synopsis: The iCarlys are asked to promote Techfoots by Daka. They promote them but then the shoes end up being awful and people threaten to boycott iCarly. Spencer finds a loophole in the contract where all they have to say is positive things. They make an episode of iCarly that makes fun of the shoe while saying positive things. Daka threatens to sue but Spencer threatens to sue BACK. Daka then pays them their contract AND gives refunds to iCarly viewers. At the end Carly buys a motorcycle for Spencer which is super cute.
Fun Facts:
Freddie's voice has changed a lot since the last episode and they were filmed 5 apart.
Spencer says he goes to Canada because he ends up asleep on a bus and brings back Canadian Bacon. There are a few things wrong with this. First, you can't just cross the border while sleeping, you have to show i.d. Second Americans are the only ones who use the term "Canadian Bacon", in Canada we call it Back Bacon or Ham. I found this out when I went to the states and ordered Ham on my pizza and they said it was called Canadian Bacon. I was very confused. We do NOT call our bacon Canadian Bacon it is actually just called bacon and looks like plain old American bacon. So when Spencer is surprised it's only ham and says Canadians call it that....WRONG SIR.
The iCarlys Make 100,000 dollars for the Daka promotion which gives them about 33,000 each over 12 months would be about 2750 a month. However, the Daka says they would get just over 8000 a month, which is true as a total for all 3 kids. However, in the end they only get 30,000 for their contract buy out. This would give each kid 10,000 which in the states would be enough for a motorbike.
The kids spend their money on - Sunglasses, a new lap top and a personal chef.
It is pointed out that bike hangs in their kitchen that they never use.
The Daka shoes have the following problems: Not cool looking, squeak all the time, erase the hard drive on a computer, shock you when you step in water, burst into flames, front of shoe splits open when wet, hurt your feet, toe warmer catches on fire if you tap it.
The word "Jank" is used to refer to the shoes and Janky bikes. Later it is referred to Spencer when he is on the "Jank" in a later episode.
First time Spencer's lawyer abilities are used! He went to law school for 3 days. Sam says 20 minutes.
Adults are often meant to look stupid in iCarly, the owner of Daka and his minions, the owner of the TV show later, the Dingo Channel boys, Ginger Fox, The Petographers etc.
Socko's brothers name is Tyler and gave Spencer the tie.
Spencer Side Count: Builds a bike. Rollerblades hilariously. "Own Minute I'm blading down Hill St. Feeling on top of the world...". "How wonderful, isn't that great, ROASTING WIENIES!"
Penny Tee Count: NONE
Review: I love that fake iCarly commericial. I'm Carly, I'm Sam we love the new Techfoot...mmmmm. Also love how it's a fun time for Carly, and her song she sings about being a rich girl. Her little trial of all her sunglasses is hilarious. Love Sonya the chef "blubbery muffins?". Also love Spencers hilarious rollerblading! I also like when Spencer uses his lawyer abilities to help Carly, I love it when he does that.
Total Score: 4/5