Sunday, 27 January 2013


Want some more sweet FLOORS action?

Well Noah tweeted this video of "Freddie" and "Gibby" discussing their career as the Floors.

And another one:

Monday, 21 January 2013

Jennette's hilarious songs

Want a great laugh?  Go to this link.

It's Jennette McCurdy's soundcloud account.  She makes up crazy songs about random stuff.
One of my faves is Brownies....I also love Fans.

Just listen to them and crack UP!

Sunday, 20 January 2013

iThink They Kissed Review

iThink they Kissed #1 of Season 3 to air on YTV
Originally Aired:   September 12, 2009 (1st), Filmed 27th (227)
Due to a writer's strike Season 2 and 3 were filmed back to back and all have production codes in the 200s.

Sam loses a tooth during a webcast and is sent to the dentist.  Under sweet gas she tells Carly that Freddie and her kissed!  Carly is shocked and gets Freddie to admit it and then finally Sam (sober).  However, during their discussion about it two prisoners tie them up!
Meanwhile Spencer works at a jail teaching art and inadvertently helps 2 prisoners escape.

Fun Facts:  
The Ad for the SACK appears in this episode and is a parody of the Snuggie.
Sam wears a red sack, Freddie blue, Carly yellow, and Spencer Green.  Or Rash Red, Mucus Green, Puss Yellow or Blue.
Sam loses a tooth and has bad teeth in this episode but earlier in the series she is said to have great teeth!
If you look closely sometimes the corn on the cob has the "blood" on it, and sometimes it doesn't.
Apparently Sam hasn't been to the dentist for 12 years.
The Giant Pants appear again in iHave my Principals.
Thinks Sam says under the gas!:  "Pretty blurry girl",  thinks her thumb is missing, tells Carly she has a secret and she likes fried chicken, laughs hysterically and then wonders what is funny, "me and Freddie kiiiiiiissssed.", "Don't tell Carly!".
Apparently 3rd to 9th grade is a blur for Sam which means she is probably in grade 10.
Pink Bunny is a Yogurt place.
Freddie's song:  I like the way you touch my head, so why would you choose him instead?  Girl..who cuts my hair?
We hear Freddie sing here, in iParty with Victorious and in iGet Banned.
Apparently Mrs. Benson has a whistle she uses to call Freddie.
Carly gets pinned to the ground, same way she pinned Freddie in Season 1.  Freddie says he is now strong due to puberty.
The kiss that is being referred to is in iKiss.
Freddie mentions Melanie again and admits he's not sure if she's real or not.
DanWarp tweets on the Penny Tee refers to Dan Schneider's twitter name which is @DanWarp
Toilet punch is made AGAIN in the episode where Sam's friend comes out of prison and has a house smashing party. (iRescue Carly)
How was it possible for Spencer to haul that huge pair of pants with two prisoners in side?
Sam owns a big spoon in case bacon ice-cream breaks out.  Later she has a large fork shiny and lubed in case a meal breaks out.
The red microwave is back in the kitchen even thought it was given away earlier in the series.
The kiss was apparently 7-8 seconds long..I have yet to time it!
Spencer gets his banjo out again!
In the end credits Nora's chicken is seen.

Spencer Side Count:  Teaches art to prisoners, makes the giant pants sculpture.

Penny Tee Count:  DanWarp Tweets - worn by Spencer

Review: I LOVE when Sam is all gassed us.  She is hilarious.  This episode makes me laugh.  I also love how jealous Carly gets.  Is she really upset they didn't tell her?  Or is she upset because Freddie kissed Sam?  Hmmmm.  Seddie and Creddie all in one!  Spencer getting attacked by the murderer and drinking toilet punch!  Fun!  And the prisoner who feels "Stabby".  GREAT STUFF!

Total Score: 5/5 for awesome!

iTwins Review

iTwins  #17 of Season 2 to air on YTV
Originally Aired:  July 11, 2009 (23rd), Filmed 24th (224)

Synopsis:  Sam's twin sister Melanie is in town, BUT since Carly and Sam have played so many tricks on Freddie he thinks Melanie is Sam dressed up.  He asks Melanie out to trick "Sam" but ends up being kissed by Melanie.  In the end the girls tell him he is right and Melanie doesn't exist.  However, she does and shows up to go out with Sam and Carly at the end.  Til this day Freddie doesn't know if Melanie is real.
Meanwhile Carly tutors Chuck in math and he tortures Spencer, until Carly finds out and then gets him back.

Fun Facts:  
Jennette McCurdy loved playing Melanie and when Dan asked which show people wanted to make a sequel to, iTwins was top on the list!
Chuck returns in all his evil glory.
The soap in the bathroom is constantly mentioned throughout the series.  Gibby has a special love for it.
This episode features the famous "a scissors" line.  Apparently someone on staff actually believed that "a scissors" is the proper way to talk about them, and so they put it in.
Jennette has said that her real voice is between Melanie and Sam.
Spencer pours himself a glass of juice and then leaves it on the counter.
What did Chuck spray on Spencer, it looked like chocolate but tastes horrid.
Sam refers to Freddie as "Fredicini" in this episode.  She constantly plays with his name.
Miss Briggs makes out with Mr. Howard in the teacher's lounge BUT we also know Mr. Howard is married when he talks about his wife in iHave My Principals - so he's cheating on his wife.
T-Bo puts pickles on a stick in this one.
Chuck is NOT dumb in math, if a kid can do operations quickly in base 11 (with derf) then he does NOT need to be tutored.  There is no way I could do that!
Apparently Freddie has loved Carly since 6th grade.
What Chuck does to Spencer:  takes the fridge door off, takes cabinet doors off, sprays him with brown stuff, puts goo in his helmet, beats him up.
The outfit that Carly is wearing in the Derf scene is the same one she wears in the poster that Freddie has of her in his closet shown in the extended version of iSaved Your Life.
Derf comes between 5 and 6.
If you take 12X81 and divide by 2, can you do that in your head fast with derf?
The dance club is called Quisp and is for kids under 21.
Alexandra Basso shows up in this episode.  She is one of the girls who slam dances Freddie.  She plays Freddie's new girl "friend" in iBeat the Heat and her brother is the Freddie look alike in iLook Alike.
Melanie kisses Freddie and then he says "you swore we'd never do that again", he is referring to his kiss with Sam in iKiss.
Sam hates Q because it's an O being fancy with a pointless tail.
Camp Add'em UP is mentioned again in iBeat the Heat when Chuck says he learned to make a special drink there.
I'm surprised Carly didn't ask Freddie more about his kiss with Melanie considering it would have been his "first kiss" because she doesn't know about Sam.

Spencer Side Count:  Once again has to battle Chuck!

Penny Tee Count:  Fries Matter - worn by Freddie

Review: The fact that Jennette McCurdy plays SUCH a different character should have earned her an EMMY!  This episode is fantastic.  It has Freddie being SO cute in the dance club, and I love Melanie and Sam!  And for Seddie fans it has another Seddie kiss!  Sort of.

Total Score: 5/5 for Jennette's amazing acting.

Saturday, 19 January 2013

iTake on Dingo Review

iTake on Dingo #16 of Season 2 to air on YTV
Originally Aired:  June 13, 2009 (21st), Filmed 26th (226)

The Dingo Channel rips off iCarly, using their ideas on Totally Terry.  So the iCarlys go to Los Angeles, break into the Dingo building and take on the writers.  At first it doesn't work but then Spencer finds the frozen head of Charles Dingo and they use it to blackmail the writers into stopping!

Fun Facts:  
Messin with Lewbert is BACK:  This time with a fake soda machine.
Gibby is in this one too.
Wendy returns in this one.  She tells them about Totally Terry.
Things Dingo rips off:  Random Dancing, Lewbert, his wart, the soda machine gag.
The Dingo Channel is a parody of the Disney Channel, which often has horrid kid shows.  And like Spencer says, the adults always look stupid.
Green grapes appear on the table as a snack, again!
The frozen head of Charles Dingo is a parody of the rumour that Walt Disney was frozen when he died.
Hollywood apparently is 900 miles from Seattle.  They leave at midnight.  It takes 16 hours and 54 minutes to get to L.A. which means they arrived at 5pm if they didn't stop for gas or to eat.
Sam's Mom gets plastic surgery in Hollywood from a nasty hotel.
Things wrong with the hotel:  tape outline of dead person, homeless person right outside window, rats, potatoes for light bulbs, pillows have newspaper in them.
The Butter Sock makes its debut!!!
The writers have the rock band set that Sam and Carly played a few episodes ago.
On the white board it says Austin and Noah pilot, referring to Austin Butler (Jake, and from Zoey 101) and Noah Munck (Gibby) and possible side projects for them.
One of the writers is eating a giant can of cashews with Schneider on it.
The white board also says "Why are there yellow pens?" which is a good question cause you can't read them!
Spencer lies very well in this episode, even though it has been proven he doesn't like lying and isn't good at it.
Carly wears the same outfit that she wears in iLook Alike.
Apparently 19 Mega pixels is very high res.

Spencer Side Count:  Hunts for the head of Charles Dingo and finds it.

Penny Tee Count:  None in this episode.

I happen to love this episode.  In fact I love a LOT of Season 2.  So many hilarious episodes.  This one cracks me up because Sam's butter sock and PAY BACK are so awesome.  When Spencer finds the head of Charles Dingo that is also hilarious.  The only part I don't like about the episode is when the writers have to fight in bikinis with dog food.  I'm not into gross things.

Total Score: 4/5 for the butter sock ACTION!

iMust have Locker 239 Review

iMust Have Locker 239  #15 of Season 2 to air on YTV
Originally Aired:  June 27, 2009 (22nd), Filmed 20th (220)

Synopsis:  Carly draws terribly and gets Spencer to teach her how to draw.  BUT Spencer is an annoying teacher so Carly secretly goes to art lessons.  When Spencer finds out he crashes her lesson, gets them banned and then kisses the teacher later.  Meanwhile a boy moves away and locker 239 becomes available.  It's HUGE and everyone wants it.  There is a contest to guess the number of fat cakes in a tank.  Both Freddie and Sam win and are forced to share a locker.  This does not go well but in the end it doesn't matter because Sam's mom backs into it with her car and destroys the entire thing.

Fun Facts:  
During his UStream Nathan Kress admitted that he is NOT a good artist and that Lane (from Victorious) draws all the bunnies seen in the show.
The part where Sam comments on Carly's bunny is in the blooper reel.
Mr. Howard returns!
Apparently Turtle Necks are against school rules...why???
Gibby returns!
What is in Spencer's room that he doesn't want Carly to see?
Princicpal Franklin RETURNS!
Fat Cakes make another appearance this time in a large tank.
Sam refers to herself as mama...which she does often in the series.
Gibby's guess was 5 - the worst guess.
2718 Fat Cakes it the correct guess.
Once again some form of Rock Band is seen.
Random Dancing occurs.
The red microwave given to Principal Franklin is back and in Sam and Freddie's locker.
This is the first place they are kicked out of (the community center), later they get kicked out of the ice skating rink when Sam beats up a father.
The part where Sam talks about her mom's laser eye surgery is in the blooper reel.
If you notice closely Freddie pulls Sam back to protect her from the wall carnage.  A Seddie moment for all Seddie fans!
Sam's mom was said to have driven a truck earlier and now is driving a station wagon.
The wall of the school is NOT well built if a car can break it all down.

Spencer Side Count:  Fixes the printer which lights on fire.  We haven't seen a Spencer fire in a LONG time!  Creates giant Spatula sculpture. Sculpts his "feelings" in a brown blob.

Penny Tee Count:  Maybe Gravy - worn by Carly

Review: "Fat cakes YEAH!" - one of my favourite moments.  Gibby is hilarious in this one.  When he takes his shirt off and rubs himself on the tank and says "Nuthin"....hilarious!  I also love how Spencer gets all upset when Carly goes to art lessons and creates a huge scene at her art school.  I also love when Spencer sculpts his feelings.  "Wanna make purple?", "Please!"  Spencer gets to make out again.

Total Score: 5/5 Season 2 is awesome!

Friday, 18 January 2013

iReunite with Missy Review

iReunite with Missy  #14 of Season 2 to air on YTV
Originally Aired:  May 16, 2009 (20th), Filmed 18th (218)

Synopsis: Carly's old friend Missy returns and pretends to be nice to Sam but is really trying to steal Carly from Sam!  She does all sorts of mean things to Sam.  Freddie ends up helping Sam by giving Missy the School at Sea prize so that she leaves town.

Fun Facts:  
Fish sticks make Sam rambunctious.
Missy is played by Miranda's real life best friend Haley.  They met on the movie Yours, Mine and Ours.  There are several youtube videos of Miranda having parties with her close friends, and you will see Haley in there.
The show Breaker High was a show about kids who go to School at Sea.  Ryan Gosling starred in it.
Mr. Howard returns and reminds the students he hates them.
The bag Missy has is the same one Sam had in iMake Sam Girlier.
The locker that Missy gets was Gibby's originally.
Missy's dad is in the Navy but Carly's dad is in the Air Force and was originally mentioned in the Navy.
Nasty things Missy does to Sam:  Sends her to a pinata factory, wahoos her phone, gives her rancid persian chocolates, treats her badly after apologizing at the Groovy Smoothie.
Chuck reappears playing racquetball again this time in the locker area.  Ryan who plays Chuck now appears in a show on the Disney channel.
Although Sam says the chocolate, made in 1992, is older than the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air it actually isn't.  The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air aired from 1990 - 1996.  Making it OLDER than the chocolate.
What was the liquid that Chuck sprayed on Spencer?  It is mentioned later on when Carly tutors Chuck.  Also Spencer offers Chuck an ostrich, reference to iMeet Fred when he gets an ostrich.
Sam thinks Gibby is a mermaid cause he never wears a shirt.
In the blooper reel Carly says "defaulty cup" when the cup breaks.
Sam asks Freddie for help for the first time, and later asks him again in iGoodbye.
Freddie clearly has leg hair now, which in season 1 Mrs. Benson was worried about because he didn't have any.
Carly says Austria and can't read Australia properly even though she is supposed to be smart.
Wendy appears again.

Spencer Side Count:  Spencer is trying to go on a camping trip BUT Chuck locks him in a locker.

Penny Tee Count:  None that I could see!

Review: I'm not a big fan of Missy, she is evil!  I do love how Freddie helps Sam and how they come together to fix Missy good.  Jennette does a great job of being sick from the chocolates to the point where she actually spits into the garbage can.  I like how Sam cares so much about Carly that she is willing to accept Missy at the beginning and then has to hide how nasty Missy is.

Total Score: 4/5 for the first part!!!

iDate a Bad Boy Review

iDate a Bad Boy #13 of Season 2 to air on YTV
Originally Aired:  May 9, 2009 (18th and 19th), Filmed 17th and 25th (217 and 225)

Synopsis:  In the first half Spencer mentors a young thief named Griffin.  Carly can't stand him but then one night she ends up kissing him and they try to date but Spencer does NOT approve!  Carly and Griffin sneak around and date until finally Spencer says it's okay.  In the second half Carly finds out that her bad boy is into PeeWee Babies and keeps a collection.  This lessens how she feels about him and they end up breaking up.
Meanwhile in the first half Sam gets Freddie to make her a website which she cons him out of money on.  AND in the second half Spencer helps Sam get over a bad dream.

Fun Facts:  
Sam shows the video "Neck Infection" which grosses out everyone!
The actor who plays Griffin is now in a series called Falling Skies.
Griffin lives in 4G.
This episode aired as an hour long show but was originally two different 1/2 hours.  If you notice the story lines are completely separate and change drastically at the 1/2 hour mark.
Wendy returns, she was in iFight Shelby Marx last.
T-Bo appears and doesn't know Spencer yet.  He is pushing bagels again.
Carly admits that she is almost 15.
Spencer admits he started kissing girls at 11.
Griffin goes to Bolton High School.
"Shoosh yeah" is used again, this time by Spencer.
Sam is wearing her Care Bear necklace again.
Sam's mom was dating a lawyer in this episode.
Lewbert is seen sleeping under a newspaper but it was most likely NOT the real actor for Lewbert as his face is not seen.
Griffin is the first one to say "Late" instead of later...repeated in the 6th season a LOT.
Gibby is seen in the end credits for the first time.
The Sham Pow is a parody of the Sham Wow.
Sam's dream is where a monster eats her soup.  She says she always has it.
Sam's mom also dated a psychologist.
Most parents don't allow their 15/16 year old children to go up alone to their bedroom with a girl.
Pee Wee Babies are a parody of Beanie Babies which were very popular int he 90s.
Griffin has 223 Pee Wee Babies in his closet and many on a shelf.
Peter Penguin appears again with Griffin in iBeat the Heat.
Sam and Carly play Rock Band, which the cast has in their green room.  This is shown when Nathan Kress posts a video where he tries to get Jennette to sing in rock band.  Nathan's rock band character is named Nick E Lodeon.
Freddie raises his hands in victory when he hears that Griffin collects Pee Wee Babies, he does this again when Carly kisses him in iGoodbye.
The flag on Griffin's shirt is Germany.
Sam calls Carly, Carls, Carlotta in this episode, some people think Carly's full name is Carlotta, but it's NOT.  It's just Sam playing with her name like she does to Freddie.
Freddie orders the pizza for 321 East Argyle which is Mrs. Briggs address.
When the Pee Wee Babies dance around Carly's head they are voiced by Dan Schneider.
When the episode is aired in two 30 min chunks by YTV the part with Griffin topless is cut out!  Which is a tragedy.  Also Spencer's use of the Sham-Pow on other things is cut out.

Spencer Side Count:  Makes a sculpture with Griffin, a cube of tin that is sledgehammered.  Stalks Carly as a janitor.  Obsessed with the Sham-POW!

Penny Tee Count:  Noodle Booty - worn by Sam and Vanilla Me Bad - worn by Carly.

Review: This is by FAR one of my faves!  I love the first half most!  Spencer's intense reaction to Carly kissing Griffin is the best part in the entire show.  When he says "let's recap" I love it!  I love how he grounds her and doesn't want to talk about his run to the pharmacy for her.  So awesome!
"You will call no one...ever!!!" - Spencer
"And I don't kiss like...bla lala...I kiss like a princess!"  Carly
"You are grounded...for...til college" - Spencer
"For til COLLEGE?!"  - Carly

"You know I'm not a baby anymore, two weeks ago I sent you to the drugstore to get..." - Carly
"I don't want to talk about it, you swore we'd never talk about it!" - Spencer


In the second half I like Freddie's attempt to be a bad boy and his on going jealous reactions to Griffin.  Love Spencer and the Sham Pow!

Total Score: 5/5 for the first part!!!

iFight Shelby Marx Review

iFight Shelby Marx #12 of Season 2 to air on YTV
Originally Aired:  August 8th, 2009 (24 and 25th), Filmed 21st and 22nd  (221 and 222)

Synopsis: Carly jokingly says she can kick Shelby Marx's butt on her webcast and Shelby challenges her to a fake charity match.  However, during the press conference for the fight Sam tells Carly to trash talk and Carly ends up knocking over Shelby's grandma.  Shelby gets mad and decides the fight will be real.  Carly then quits!  Shelby calls her out and Carly apologizes for accidentally hurting her grandmother.  Enter NEVEL who makes a fake video that looks like Carly meant to knock down the grandmother.  Shelby gets in the ring and truly tries to hurt Carly but Carly hangs on to her leg until the round is done.  The iCarly's tell Shelby the video was Nevel being evil and in the end Nevel gets his!

Fun Facts:  
Sam's Mom dated a fake senator from "new Kentucky"
The password for the Shay's cable is 1234.
Victoria Justice from Zoey 101 and Victorious (both Dan Schneider shows) plays Shelby.  Later it is remarked that she looks like Shelby Marx in several podcasts.
Spencer's medication side effects include:  itching, intense sweating, thirsty, short term memory loss, muscle spasms.
The Doctor who lives in their building shows up.  He is also in iBeat the Heat and iGo One Direction.  He is a very sketchy doctor.
The fight cost $100 to watch.
499,117 people watched the video of Carly calling out Shelby.
When Freddie makes Shelby toast, that is in the blooper reel.
Wendy appears again, we haven't seen her since iMake Sam Girlier
The press conference is held in the Beverley Garvin Hotel, the same hotel that Nevel signed autographs in last episode.
I believe the grandma who plays Shelby's grandma is the same one who played Jake's grandma in iLike Jake
Pink Bull sponsors the fight and is a parody of Red Bull.
The end credits have Ginger Fox's My World playing even though its the same end credits they played Stay my Baby too.
Gibby appears wearing a garbage can as underwear.  He also pretends he doesn't know here in school. And he shows up at the fight with popcorn.
It is Socko's birthday so his birthday is August 8th.  Although the iCarlys are in school when they should be on summer vacation.
We see Sam's house in a quick phone call scene.
There are green grapes out as a snack again.
Victoria Justice and Miranda Cosgrove are the same age.
Spaghetti Tacos are mentioned again.
Nevel has a pet porcupine in this episode named Mr. Tibbles.
Seattle doesn't have a Super Center, they had a King Dome and Safeco Field.
Nevel has a blooper in the fight arena when he says "no popcorn" instead of "no time outs!"
Also on the blooper reel Victoria Justice really kicks Jerry Trainor.
The ending is very similar to iMeet Fred where Fred and Freddie hug.
Random Dancing shows up!
In the credits we get to see Baby Spencer who hasn't shown up before.

Spencer Side Count:  Has bad allergies and takes sketchy medicine to get rid of them.

Penny Tee Count:  Special Ham - worn by Freddie

Review: One of my favourite Creddie moments is in this episode:  When viewers remark that Carly is a twig she says she is getting curvier every day and Freddie says he knows, and Carly remarks "Eyes up dude!"  I also like when Carly fights Shelby and freaks out.  When Nevel says he's afraid of Sam!  Awesome.  Overall this episode has a great storyline and including Nevel is genius.

Total Score: 5/5

iWant my Website Back Review

iWant My Website Back #11 of Season 2 to air on YTV
Originally Aired:  March 21,  2009 (15th), Filmed 19th (219)

Synopsis: When Spencer cancels his credit card he inadvertently cancels their hold on  Luckily Mandy is there to save the day.  She buys the URL but then accidently signs it over to Nevel!  Nevel refuses to give the URL back unless he gets a kiss from Carly.  Carly tricks him by hooking herself to fishing line and being hauled back up with the signed URL!  All ends well.

Fun Facts:  
The password for their account is "samlovesham"
Mandy RETURNS!  This is the last episode with Mandy.
Mandy's Full name is "Amanda Valdez".
Mandy's dad that appears in her hat clips appears in the movie theatre in iQ and in iStart a Fan War as part of the band.'
Gibby appears in the episode calling Mandy weird then ripping off his own shirt.
Nevel returns!
T-Bo is mentioned and seen for the first time.
The Cowboy with a Mustache and the idiot farmgirl who thinks the cowboy's mustache is a squirrel play FINALLY shows up!!!  First one!  This play continues in many episodes.
T-Bo puts bagels on a stick.
Freddie is NOT freddieb123 at Splash Face!
When Carly says the puppets sniffed his pits it is on the blooper reel.
It's very hilarious how Nevel is doing an autograph signing and the iCarlys say he is conceited, yet they themselves in real life do autograph signings all the time.
Spencer dresses as a woman for the first time, he later dresses as Sam's mom in iLost My Mind.
When Spencer does the snap for the iCarlys, in the blooper reel he smacks his fake boobs!
Nevel shows up with two thugs, he does this again in iHalfoween.
In a previous episode the girls fish out the studio window and say it goes to the street, but in this episode it is clear it leads to an alley behind the apartment.
David Schwimmer is mentioned.  He and Ryan Seacrest are mentioned throughout the series.

Spencer Side Count:  Cancels his credit card and buys 200 pillows.  Spencer finds a deep sea fishing rod at the junkyard.  Dresses up as an old woman.

Penny Tee Count:  Beetle Squeeze - worn by Sam

Review: Another one of my faves!  Combine Mandy, Nevel and the idiot farmgirl in one episode and it equals AWESOME!  Every time Nevel is outsmarted, life is good!  My favourite line is "Shoosh yeah I got it!"  Nevel rues the day.

Total Score: 5/5

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Nathan's Ustream!

Alright people.  Nathan did a ustream today at 3pm to celebrate his 1,000,000 fans on twitter.

I am still listening to it and seeing what I can write that is new and hilarious.  For now I have a few things.

Nathan's favourite recent episode of iCarly was iGet Banned because he loved playing a bad singing band member with Noah!
He went to Dan Schneider's party yesterday where cast and crew from his shows are invited.
He recently danced Gangnam Style at a Kentucky Autograph signing.  Check it out.

Enjoy :)

Saturday, 12 January 2013

iMake Sam Girlier Review

iMake Sam Girlier #10 of Season 2 to air on YTV
Originally Aired:  April 11, 2009 (16th), Filmed 16th (216)

Synopsis: Carly throws a birthday party for Sam and during the party people make speeches about her. However, Sam gets upset because the speeches all make her sound like a dude.  She has a crush on Pete and wants to date him but she asks Carly to make her over to be more girlier.  This works and Sam gets a date!  Unfortunately Sam has to put the smack down on a bully that is terrorizing everyone.  During her smack down Pete walks in and sees the whole thing.  Sam thinks he's going to dump her but he tells her he loved what she did.  Happy ending.

Fun Facts:  
Since this aired on April 11th then Sam's birthday is April 11th.
Gibby pops out of a cake, and in a later episode (Carly's birthday) he pops out of a pie.
Wendy appears in this episode, Wendy last appeared throwing Mayonnaise at Miss Briggs car.
Veronica returns in a later episode when Spencer is declared dead.
Apparently there was a junior high dance BUT since Ridgeway has grades 6-12...when did they go to Junior High?
The purse that Sam carries is the same purse that Missy carries in a later episode.
Sam is wearing a Care Bear necklace, the bear is Tender Heart.  Care Bears were first huge in the 1980s.  I had Friendship Bear.
Sam has a cat named Frothy.  The cat is mentioned many times as annoying Sam's mom.
We find out Sam hates the word "panties" which she mentions again in iSam's Mom.
Carly mentions that Sam's eating habits are not good, and in iDate Sam and Freddie we see her chew and talk with her open again.
Carly stalked Pete before helping Sam out to check his schedule.
Not sure why Veronica is wearing a necklace that large to jog...very odd.
Afterschool, at the Groovy Smoothie, Sam has changed but Carly and Freddie are wearing the same outfits.  I would assume she went home to change for her date.
In the end credits they are supposedly in Freddie's room but it looks totally different in iSaved Your Life.

Spencer Side Count:  Spencer gets a tux, gets a date with a lady but then won't take the tux off because he thinks it gets him the lady - Veronica from "Hey Food".

Penny Tee Count:  Squirrel Germs - worn by Freddie

Review: Another great episode!  I love how Sam works at being girly but in the end has to be herself.  When Sam refuses to fight Jocelyn and says "nice girls don't fight", it's so cute!   When Spencer yells "leave me be, leave me be!" I also enjoy that, his crazy tux issue.

Total Score: 5/5

iKiss Review

iKiss #9 of Season 2 to air on YTV
Originally Aired:  (13th), Filmed 12th (212)

Synopsis: While discussing their first kisses, Freddie admits to Carly that he has never kissed anyone.  Sam overhears and uses it to get revenge on him for handcuffing her to Gibby.  She tells the entire iCarly audience and then he gets teased.  Carly gets mad at her and so she apologizes online and admits that she has never kissed anyone either.  She goes to apologize to Freddie and they decide to kiss to get it over with, and they do.

Fun Facts:  
Gibby appears, handcuffed to Sam.
Carly's first kiss was with Ben Hoopscher, that is the name of one of the producers.
Sam says her first kiss was with Buddy Hinton at a Cuddlefish concert in a porta-potty.
Freddie admits that Val (his previous gf) doesn't count because it was 1/2 a second at school.
Spencer is mentioned at being out of shape, and this continues throughout the series.
Again, Carly is eating green grapes.
We get to see Kelly Cooper, Terrible Movie.  Gibby appears in it as Chad.  The character Sam (Jennette) plays "Natalie" is similar in voice to the voice she uses to play Melanie later.  The movie is a parody of lots of teen movies.  Jennette has said that her real voice is a mix between Sam and Melanie.
What grades go to Ridgeway?  The little kids that laugh at Freddie are about 11.  So the school is based on grade 6 - 12.  Wow.
The part where Gibby throws coffee in Spencer's face is in the blooper reel.
Sam admits that she has never kissed anyone, which makes her previous story a lie.
The fire escape that Freddie is on is not attached to his house, it's a hallway fire escape.
Nathan Kress has admitted that he kissed someone when was 5.
When Freddie says "I hate you" after they kiss he echoes this in iLove you when they say "I love you" to each other in the same way.

Spencer Side Count:  Wants to try out for a football team (Seattle Cobras) and get fit.

Penny Tee Count:  Unknown due to the first part of this episode being cut off by YTV.

Review: One of my favourite episodes!  One of my favourite Gibby lines "My mom thinks I'm cool!".  When Carly asks Spencer to take off his shirt and jump up and down....funny!   The fact that Sam tries to fix the mistake she made and help Freddie is touching and makes me enjoy this episode more.  I am a huge Creddie fan so the kiss doesn't really make me happy, but it also shows once again that the chemistry between the two is not there.  I love Carly's crazy falling in Kelly Cooper, Terrible Movie.

Total Score: 5/5

iMeet Fred Review

iMeet Fred #8 of Season 2 to air on YTV
Originally Aired: February 16th,  2009 (13th), Filmed 12th (212)

Synopsis: Web star Fred (Lucas Cruikshank) is shown on iCarly.  Sam and Carly LOVE Fred but Freddie remarks that he doesn't love the videos.  Fred retorts by canceling his videos, which brings tons of hate on to iCarly.  The iCarlys try to talk to Fred and when they finally do, he admits he wasn't going to stop making the videos, he only did it to get more attention for both their web sites.  Freddie and Fred make up on the iCarly show and all is well.

Fun Facts:  
Grade 7 was Spencer's best year of his life.
The Magic Meatball is a parody of the Magic 8 Ball that was out in the 80s and 90s.  In fact, I owned one!
Things the magic meatball tells Spencer to do:  Drink Ketchup, go surfing (which is NOT easy to do in Seattle),  buys an ostrich,
Sam is seen eating a fat cake for the first time and then Freddie talks about the low fat, fat cakes when someone throws one at his head.
Clubs Freddie is kicked out of:  Mathletes, Junior Bow and Arrow Club, and other unmentioned ones.
Sean is played by the same actor who plays Hon in 2 Broke Girls.  Sean appears again in several episodes.
Freddie has an Aunt Jennifer.
Gibby is mentioned when he texts them, but is not seen.
Sam has been arrested 3 times.
The iCarly war video is shown on, but Nevel is not in the episode.
Fred lives in Shelby Idaho which they say is 4 hours from Seattle.  There is no Shelby, Idaho, only a Selby, Idaho and it is 9 hours and 40 minutes away from Seattle.
Spencer is shown driving a VW beetle, silver.  Although I am not sure where he got that car, as he only has a motorcycle and all other times drives an RV that Socko lends him.
Fred is apparently a fan of iCarly but he doesn't know who Spencer is.  Spencer has been featured multiple times on the webshow.
Fred is the second character to try to get a kiss from Carly (besides Freddie), Nevel was the other one.
Jennette McCurdy appeared in the Fred Movie.
The part where Spencer says "this ostrich thinks I'm a lady" or getting married is in the blooper reel.
In a podcast Freddie and Sam appear in the same pool that is used in this episode.

Spencer Side Count:  Finds his magic meatball and goes about the episode making decisions based on it, including owning an Ostrich named Marvin.

Penny Tee Count:  The Mushroom Room - worn by Carly

Review: Well since I hate Fred videos, well this one is one of my so-so episodes.  My husband HATES this episode and never watches it, he will leave the room.  I'm not a big fan of this episode.  Although I like Spencer's hilarious meatball moments, it doesn't tip the scale into awesome.  This does have one of my favourite Sam quotes.  When she tells Freddie the reason she picks on him is because she LOVES IT."  I also think the video at the end is cute.  This episode is a tribute to Fred and Lucas which is not my fave thing.

Total Score: 2/5

Thursday, 10 January 2013

iGive Away a Car Review

 iGive Away a Car #7 of Season 2 to air on YTV
Originally Aired: January 17,  2009 (11th), Filmed 11th (211)

Synopsis: The iCarlys give away a car on their webshow, but it isn't a real contest.  Nevel rigged the entire thing so that they will get in trouble with the LCC and get shut down.  However, thanks to Spencer they create a car that qualifies and foils Nevel's master plan!

Fun Facts:  
Galaxy Wars is mentioned again, last time was when Freddie was dressed as Nug Nug
The part where Carly introduces Jeffery is in the blooper reel.

The brain buster is:  A cowboy rides into town on Friday, he stays three days and leaves on Friday.  How did he do it? - Answer - his horse's name is Friday.
We find out that Freddie has a jewelry box.  If you look closely in iSaved Your Life you will see the jewelry box on Freddie's dresser.

The side of the cruiser says Rouge IV which is a reference to Star Wars because one of the squadrons was named Rouge.
We meet George the Bra who appears again in Super Bra, Moonlight Twiblood, and iSaved your Life where he doesn't say anything scary.
Nevel returns!!!
Nevel's computer name is "trickster206".
Nevel plays his little pipe in victory and spins in a celebratory fashion which I love.
The car shown at Flanken motors that Freddie is running his hand down is a silver Chevy Camaro which is the SAME car that Nathan Kress drives in real live.   As Nathan would have turned 16 in 2008 it is possible that he had the car then.
The movers refer to the book about magic pants which is The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.  And Spencer's "end of the book" refers to Little Women when Beth dies.
Nevel pulls out a lint roller and a comb when he gets tackled by Sam, Gibby pulls out a lint roller when he is about to meet One Direction.
Nevel uses his catch phrase "Rue this day" again.
Nevel's dream is to own a haberdashery.
Carly lives at 4286 Bushwell Plaza, which is shown in this episode, apartment 8C.
Carly takes long showers when she gets depressed.
Socko's cousin Rob appears in this - he steals back the couch.
Nevel is not old enough to drive a new car even if he won it.  Nevel is 2 years younger than the iCarly's, as he was 11 last time we met him, so he is now 12 or 13.  Actually it makes we wonder why 14-15 year olds are giving away a car they aren't old enough to drive.

Spencer Side Count:  Buys a Galaxy War proton cruiser which turns out to be fake.

Penny Tee Count:  My Cheese My Rules - worn by Sam.

Review:  I watch this episode for ONE thing...Spencer's scene where he pretends he is a Galaxy Wars commander and goes "pew pew".  It is so hilarious!!!  And he even sings a theme song and makes all the noises for the cruiser.  And then when Freddie ruins his fun he does a sad "pew, pew, pew".   And I always enjoy Nevel getting his come-upence.

Total Score: 4/5

iRocked the Vote Review

iRocked the Vote #6 of Season 2 to air on YTV
Originally Aired: February 7,  2009 (12th), Filmed 15th (215)

Synopsis: Carly and Sam want David Archuleta to win "America Sings", so they say that on their webshow.  Next thing they know he wins!  But they feel bad that they influenced the vote and made Wade Collins lose.  They invite Wade to film a video, which apparently Freddie can do, so he agrees.  But Wade Collins is a horrible person and treats them all very badly.  They try to refuse to give him the video but he gets it anyway.  In the end they interview David Archuleta on iCarly, show a video of Wade dissing America and then give his location away.

Fun Facts:  
Wade's music video appears in the episode iFix a Pop Star and is the reason the iCarlys get hired to help Ginger Fox with her comeback.
David Archuleta is a real contestant from American Idol and he came in 2nd on his season, but it was an upset.
America Sings is a parody of American Idol.
Sam apparently is a great liar, but in a previous episode Carly says that Sam may be nasty but she doesn't lie.
The iCarlys eat green grapes a LOT on screen.
Spencer's bango appears in this episode and again in iThink they Kissed.
The tv swinging out is in the blooper reel.
British people are mocked again in this episode by showing Wade and his mother as nasty people, in an earlier episode they mention a girl in their class who says "tuna" weird because she is British.  And ironically Wade wanted tuna fish in the clip package.
The video store clerk appears again in iStart a Fan War as one of the nerds watching Spencer's duel.
Gibby returns and sings for the first time "My Screaming little Angel."  He sings two more times, once in iCan't Take it and once in iFind Spencer Friends.
Although Carly dresses up for the video and seems to be in it, the video doesn't show her.
The video is supposedly shot in the iCarly studio but then is outdoors when you see it.
Gibby gets his first chest hair, but it is pulled out by Sam.
If you look up hob-knocker on the internet the only definition you will find is the iCarly definition of "it's gross and illegal", it will also mention that the term comes from iCarly.
Wade's song is called "Cry Like a Lion".
This is the second time we have heard about Boogie Bear, Sam talks about reading the books in an earlier episode.
The New Releases at the Video store are:  Bacon and Legs, Blue Legume, 101 Dull Martians and There's No Fu like Kung Fu.
721 Baker Street is where the hotel is that Wade Collins is at.  Baker Street is famous for being the street that Sherlock Holmes lives on.  Although he lived at 221b Baker Street.

Spencer Side Count:  Learns to lie about his video being missing for 10 years.  Finds a puppy.

Penny Tee Count:  Blueberry Socks - worn by Sam

Review:  This is one of my favourite episodes.  I love how nasty Wade is and all the hilarious words he uses.  Hob-knocker and Gibly are two of my faves.  I also love the moment between Freddie and Carly when he sees her in the hot dress.  Spencer's guilt breakdown at the end is awesome!  Overall I love watching this one over and over.

Total Score: 5/5

iPie Review

iPie #5 of Season 2 to air on YTV
Originally Aired: November 15,  2008 (8th), Filmed 8th (208)

Synopsis: The iCarlys get upset when their favourite pie place has to close because the owner dies.  But they think Trudy, his granddaughter has the recipe so they make Spencer date her.  Then Trudy admits she doesn't have the recipe.  So they go to Mr. Galini's funeral and try to snoop in his computer. But when Sam breaks the computer they find the recipes inside it.  All is saved!
Meanwhile, Baby Stephanie does not seem to like Freddie at all.  Until he splats a pie in his own face.

Fun Facts:  
Mrs. Benson returns.
Gallini's Pie shop is mentioned only once in the entire series, even though they worship it.
What did Sam want to squeeze?
The Properties sign above Gallini's Pie shop is named after Dan Schneider.
Spencer talks about his previous fish including Reggie, Swimmy and Brock.
This is the 3rd time we have heard Miranda Sing on the show, twice as Carly (I'm a Rich girl, and Amazing Grace) and once in the background as herself (Stay my Baby).

Spencer Side Count:  Has to date a creepy lady to get a pie recipe

Penny Tee Count:  Pudding Patrol - worn by Freddie

Review:  I really love the entire date with Trudy and how aggressive she is.  This episode is interesting and is quite funny. "All I want out of life is to be Mrs. Sam THIS PIE."

Total Score: 4/5

Saturday, 5 January 2013

iHurt Lewbert Review

iHurt Lewbert #4 of Season 2 to air on YTV
Originally Aired: October 18,  2008 (4th), Filmed 7th (207)

Synopsis:  During a Messin' with Lewbert segment the iCarlys blast him away with a rigged muffin basket.  The make up for hurting him the iCarlys take care of him until Mrs. Benson pops by and does a better job.  Soon Lewb and Marissa Benson are having dates!  Freddie becomes worried that Lewbert will be his new daddy and they hatch a plan to make Mrs. Benson care for Freddie by having him fall down the stairs.  It works!
Meanwhile Spencer takes over for Lewbert while he's hurt and runs into Chuck (his nemesis), uses a CB radio and annoys some sweet truckers, who come and beat up Lewbert thinking he is Spencer.

Fun Facts:  
Lewbert hasn't been messed with in a while!  Finally we see a Messin' with Lewbert.
No idea how Lewbert's wart could possibly get on Carly's shoe when she wasn't there when it flew off.
I've always wondered who that girl is in the frame in Lewbert's place.
Mrs. Benson appears in this one where she introduces us to one of her rhymes "Wet and sticky is very icky, sticky and wet makes mommy upset" which we see on her wall later on in the series.
What is that red gross juice in the jar?
We find out that Mrs. Benson's first name is Marissa.
We meet Chuck for the first time.  Spencer's nemesis.
We find out that Bushwell Plaza is on the west side of Kennedy Square.
Not sure if CHIZ was used before this but Freddie uses it when he says "this is serious CHIZ!".

Spencer Side Count:  Becomes the doorman for a while, fixes a CB radio and sets fire to a bell

Penny Tee Count:  Dirty Shirty - worn by Sam

Review:  I enjoy this episode because it puts two minor characters in the lead.  It has the three main characters work together to help Freddie.  It also sets up the battle between Spencer and Chuck!  It's overall pretty funny, a little gross, and all ties together.

Total Score: 3/5

iOwe You Review

iOwe You #3 of Season 2 to air on YTV
Originally Aired: October 11,  2008 (3rd), Filmed 6th (206)

Synopsis:  Freddie and Carly tell Sam that she never pays them back anything.  So Sam gets a job in order to pay them back but she HATES her job.  Meanwhile they accidentally solicit money out of their audience and have to send it back.  BUT Spencer comes up with an idea that will solve HIS problem which is helping a little girl sell Sunshine Girl fudge balls.  If they send every iCarly viewer who sent money some fudgeballs then all will be well.  They do and then secretly give the money to Sam so she will quit her job.  But she doesn't pay them back, instead she buys a trampoline.

Fun Facts:  
Spencer helps a little girl to get to her mom, which kind of happens again in iGo One Direction when he exercises the hot ladies daughter.
Sam owes them $526.00.  WOW.
Sam and Carly dress up like Sunshine Girls in the Adventures of Super Bra.
I'm not sure why the older girls wanted to win the bike, it's small, pink and very little girl.
The Sunshine girl who doesn't talk appears in the background as an extra in almost EVERY single iCarly episode.  See if you can spot her, it's like where's Waldo!
Principal Franklin returns!
Sam gets her first job at Chili My Bowl and later works at the Pear Store alongside Freddie.
The Blix machine appears again.  We saw it in iStakeout.
We found out that Sam loves chili in iWin a Date when she "loves me the cold chili".
When Sam cries she does NOT like people seeing her cry.  She screams at Freddie and in iGoodbye she screams at Lewbert.
Spencer uses his law school knowledge AGAIN, last used in iPromote Techfoots.
Where did the trampoline go after this episode???

Spencer Side Count:  Helps a little girl sell fudge balls to win a bike, deals with bullies and then wins the bike!  "

Penny Tee Count:  Mister Sandwich - worn by Spencer

Review:  One of my favourite openings involving Carly and Freddie is when she combines the lip gloss to make pina colada!  When Sam texts Carly to help her in the office:  "Sam did nothing wrong, she didn't do that thing your mad about..." love it!  I also love when Sam returns from her job and is all sad with Carly and then yells at Freddie.  "Boys are so GROSS!"  Sam's amazing happy fit when she quits is epic!  Sam having a job in general is hilarious.

Total Score: 4/5 - hilarious!

Nathan hits 1,000,000

So, this past holiday week Nathan spent time in Missouri with his gf Madisen's family.  While he was there his fan total on twitter hit over 1,000,000 so he SAYS he will have a Ustream.  However, he also had a Q and A which I missed!!!  But I managed to find out one new thing and that is his character in Black Sky is named TREY.  So there you have it.

Noah, Jennette, and Miranda have all been pretty quiet.  We know that Miranda got a new puppy over the holidays, her dog Pearl died recently.  
Dan Schneider has been getting a lot of love from fans who want to see Sam and Cat, so hopefully we'll see some of that soon.
Noah is still mixing his dubstep beats. 

That's all I know for now!  I will leave you with a link to a CUTE pic of Nathan sleeping with a dog in Missouri that Madisen posted this past week:

iStage an Intervention Review

iStage an Intervention #2 of Season 2 to air on YTV
Originally Aired: October 4,  2008 (2nd), Filmed 5th (205)

Synopsis:  Spencer brings home an old Pak Rat game from the junkyard, fixes it up and then becomes obsessed with it!  He plays so much he forgets to do a sculpture for a client.  Then the iCarlys set up a battle between him and Sasha Striker the world record holder.  He wins and finally finishes the sculpture just in time.  Meanwhile, Freddie doesn't forward an email and gets "cursed" with bad luck.  But it's just Sam messing with him.

Fun Facts:  
The song "Will you take me Back" first heard when Spencer joined that band is sung by Carly and Sam in this episode.
Carly claims she hates baths but she takes one in iToe Fat Cakes.  And her bathroom has a NICE bath set up.
Gibby is mentioned as forwarding the cursed email but not seen.
Grandpa is on the phone.
Pak-Rat is based on the game - Pac Man from the 80s.  In Pac Man a little yellow dude eats pellets and avoids ghosts, where as in Pak-Rat the rat eats pellets/cheese and runs from cats.
When you watch Spencer play his rat is often just wondering around in the same zone doing nothing.
Not only does Freddie synchronize swim with is mother, he also plays tennis with her.
Sam does the following to Freddie:  puts a red sock in his laundry, shorts out his computer, loosens bolts on his bike.
Carly is wearing the same brand of jeans as in last episode but they are blue not yellow.
The finished labra-doodle looks NOTHING like what Spencer starts with.
The Pak-Rat machine appears in the 6th season episode  iBust a Thief in the kids gaming place.
BF Wangs is mentioned, and again in iRocked the Vote, and again in iGoodbye.
Spencer's comment "a little bang bang to the chitty chitty" refers to the Dick Van Dyke movie Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.
Damn Jerry Trainor is cute in this one.
The blooper reel part about Spencer having a big bag of dog barks is cut out from the show.
Some people SAY that the lady who plays the screaming wife at the end is Miss Ackerman...but it's not.  I've watched this SO many times and they are NOT the same woman.
We finally see a tiny part of the Benson home but it looks NOTHING like it does in later episodes where there is no front entrance hallway.
In the Benson's hallway there is a strange photo in a frame of a woman in a pink dress and a guy in a tux.  Who are those people?
Also later we see that all Mrs. Benson has in her home is photos of Freddie and pics of vacuums, so the framed paintings in the back are gone.
When this episode aired you could actually go on and play pak-rat.

Spencer Side Count:  Rebuilds a Pak-Rat game, and builds a labra-doodle sculpture.  This is the 4th paying job for Spencer as an artist.

Penny Tee Count:  Peanut Butter Love - worn by Carly

Review:  This is my FAVOURITE!!!  I love this episode cause Spencer is hilarious.  My favourite moment is his little side to side dance.  "A little bang bang to the Chitty chitty."  There is also a lot of Creddie moments in this one, and I love me the Creddie.  Spencer's hilarious flirting with Sasha is also great as he leaves her in the elevator with a "maybe".

Total Score: 5/5

iSaw Him First Review

iSaw Him First  #1 of Season 2 to air on YTV
Originally Aired: Sept 27, 2008 (1st), Filmed 4th (204)

Synopsis:  Carly and Sam both fall in love with Freddie's "nerd" friend Shane.  They decide to both date him but that goes wrong as they start getting angry with each other.  They make a bet that who ever Shane kisses first can date him, which sends them all on crazy stunts to get Shane to kiss them, including when Freddie helps Sam so he can have Carly to himself.  In the end Shane doesn't like their fighting over him and falls down the elevator shaft.  He ends up in the hospital where Carly kisses him and declares herself the winner.

Fun Facts:  
Although this episode aired first it was filmed after the 3 parter iGo to Japan.
Freddie's lower voice is immediately picked up on by Sam who asks him why and he says "I don't know..puberty".  However, in iGo to Japan no one seems to point out his voice is lower.  This could be because they KNEW they would air the Japan one after this episode.
Nathan Kress no longer requires the platform shoes he wore in season one, as he is now tall enough to match his co-stars and his voice has officially changed.
Carly wears another bikini in this episode which brings us to 3, whereas Sam has never worn a bikini.  It can be said with certainty that Jennette McCurdy's (Sam) growing chest line was hidden throughout the seasons by the wardrobe department until the last few seasons.
Shane is played by an actor who now appears on Nick's Big Time Rush.
This is the second thing to be shoved up noses, first Germy had nose plugs and now blueberries.
This is the first time Sam is seen playing her trombone, she took lessons according to iHatch Chicks.
Sam comments that she enjoys lips to lips and talks about kissing like she knows something, but in iKiss we find out she hasn't ever kissed anyone.
It's my opinion that based on frame by frame that Sam actually did see him first.
Two more idiot adults appear in this episode, the elevator guy and the doctor.
The elevator guy is NOT a dancer.  None of the moves he does are actual dance moves.
The kissing booth section is in the blooper reel.
Not many people are lined up for Sam's kissing booth.  Either she sprayed them all, or she scares them.
The shock pads would not do a good job on Sam without the gel you need to rub on them to conduct the current.
Shane and Carly and reading the exact same History text books used in iHave a Love Sick Teacher.
The hospital is named after Dan Schneider.
Apparently Shane has no parents, as THEY would be by his bedside and possibly sue the elevator guy for not having proper gates up.
The song played in the end credits is called Stay My Baby and is sung by Miranda Cosgrove.

Spencer Side Count:  Gets stuck in the elevator and then talks to the repair guy.  Makes toast using a mirror and tinfoil.

Penny Tee Count:  Electric Ham - worn by Freddie and a mystery shirt worn by Freddie in the end credits, but the writing is yellow and hard to read.

Review:  Too much webisode!  Not enough Freddie.  Yup, this doesn't usually lead to the best review from me.  However, we start to see Carly's inept flirting style which I so love.  I love her play "A Chance for Romance".  "Oh Bruno, thanks, you rock for saying that."  I also really enjoy Sam and Carly's back and forth jealous fights.  I don't like the elevator parts, kind of annoying.

Total Score: 3/5

Friday, 4 January 2013

iHave a Love Sick Teacher Review

iHave a Love Sick Teacher  #24 on YTV
Originally Aired:  July 25, 2008 (25th), Filmed 25th (125)
Last episode of Season 1!

Synopsis:  Carly gets in trouble when she "sasses" Miss Ackerman during class.  Spencer comes in to have a conference with her and they end up liking each other.  But this is NOT good for Spencer because she is PSYCHO!  After repeated crazy behaviour Spencer dumps her and she becomes evil again.  Luckily she is also an illegal song downloader so the iCarlys trap her into admitting on iCarly and she gets arrested.  Boo yah.

Fun Facts:  
Gibby appears again to help Sam bowl in the hallway
Freddie is revealed to study in the bathtub.
We meet another inept teacher - Miss Ackerman, who teaches History...sort of.  I object to these teachers cause I am a teacher and we aren't allowed to behave that way.  You can't give out physical punishments and you can't be so psychotic.  Otherwise we'd all do it!  Just kidding :)
Ashley Argota from another Nick show plays another student.
We get a sneak peek and how Spencer is as a big brother, cheering Carly up.
I'd date Spencer, he's cute.
This is the first person Spencer dates from Ridgeway, he also dates another staff member Jenna, later.
When Miss Ackerman tries to cut Spencer's hair it is paralleled when Lewbert's psycho ex tries to cut his by force in iFind Lewbert's Lost Love.
Teachers are NOT allowed to use cell phones to call their boyfriends during class.
They are also not allowed to take their classes ice skating spontaneously without field trip forms and permission.
Spencer is once again shown to be a good cook, he cooks many meals during the series.
Carly shows a tiny bit of jealousy when Freddie won't stop looking at Miss Ackerman.
iTunes sells songs at 1.99 in Canada which means she stole 1000 dollars of music.
Only time we see Spencer pump his guns with a barbell.  He does exercise in a later episode but only in 10 second intervals.
Spencer's two favourite animals are a panda and a pig.
Thank god the voters went with break up or that vote would have been bad news for Spencer.
The second plant that Miss Ackerman breaks is MUCH larger than the first one.
When the men come and arrest her, they wouldn't be allowed to do that in front of children.  The school would have a procedure for that.  And no class would be left unattended.

Spencer Side Count:  Dates the psycho teacher.

Penny Tee Count:  Parole Baby - worn by Carly.  Parole Baby was a phrase said by Sam's cousin in iStakeout.

Review:  I think Spencer is hilarious in this!  I love how he comforts Miss Ackerman with tricks he uses on Carly.  "Don't skies".  Although I object to teachers constantly looking like psycho freaks, I do enjoy the pyscho dating of Miss Ackerman.  I do NOT agree with ripping apart stuffed animals.

Total Score: 4/5 - Cause I object to the inept psycho teacher references and stuffed animal tragedy.

iWin a Date Review

iWin a Date Review  #23 on YTV
Originally Aired:  July 25, 2008 (24th), Filmed 24th (124)

Synopsis:  Gibby is sad because he likes a girl named Shannon and she doesn't like him back.  So the iCarlys come up with a plan to host a dating game show and fix him up with Shannon!  But it backfires when Gibby (who does NOT pick up on hints) chooses Carly.  Carly is scared to go on the date with Gibby alone so she makes Freddie go with Shannon, and Sam with Ruben.  Carly, Sam and Freddie try to get Shannon to like Gibby but in the end Shannon runs off when Gibby dances shirtless on a table.
"I like to dance, with my shirt off!"

Fun Facts:  
Gibby's friend Ruben makes an appearance and is never seen again.
This is the first episode focused on Gibby.
Gibby returns and whips his shirt off again.
It looks like Spencer is wearing a wig for the entire episode, but something is WRONG with his hair.
Girly Cow is mentioned, this time on ice.
This is the second time a girl thinks Freddie is hot (last time was Val).
First time Spencer runs the camera and films iCarly.
Another goldfish is killed by Spencer.
Does anyone know what Ruben says?
Carly reveals that she rubbed lotion on Sam's mom at some point in time.
Again, what is wrong with Spencer's hair???  It just doesn't look real at all!
The Cheesecake Warehouse is a take off on the Cheesecake Factory which we don't have in Canada.  Although the huge salads and endless food reminds me of the Olive Garden.
Gibby's middle name is revealed to be Cornelius.  We know his first name is Orenthal from iStill Psycho so that is quite the name!
Who paid that bill at the end?  Cause it looks like everyone skipped and stuck the bill on Gibby.

Spencer Side Count:  Puts a profile on  Spencer gets 9 responses but all of them are unexceptable!

Penny Tee Count:  Pump up the Fruit - worn by Spencer

Review:  I love Carly in this episode, especially when her voice is altered:  "Rap is tight yo!"  "Get up and go get a job you lazy SACK!".  Also love Shannon's hitting on Freddie all the time.  Carly's reactions to going on a date with Gibby:  "Cheesecake, and you...and me...and ooh."  "Just you and me alone at a table, for three hours...oooh."  Carly's reaction to Spencer's "right turn down lucky street".  Hilarious!  Freddie's "love face".  My fave episode of season one.

Total Score: 5/5

Thursday, 3 January 2013

iFence Review

iFence  #22 on YTV
Originally Aired:  May 10, 2008 (22nd), Filmed 23rd (123)

Synopsis:  Freddie is tired of hanging with girls and so he learns to fence with Spencer.  However, Spencer challenges Freddie to a duel with Doug Toader.  They practice so much that Spencer misses a dinner with his annoying cousins and Carly gets very mad.  She bans him from fencing.  However, in her rage she also spills the beans to Mrs. Benson and she forbids Freddie from fencing by telling him a story about the fencing Bensons and how she was raised by obsessive fencers.  Carly eventually feels bad because Freddie really doesn't get enough guy time.  She convinces Mrs. Benson to let him fence and he does.  During the event Freddie gets knocked down and Mrs. Benson takes over proving her story about the Fencing Bensons was not made up.

Fun Facts:  
When Freddie says "Sam? Read a book?" - his voice is noticeably lower.
This is Sam and Freddie's second bet, the last one was the tattoo in iStakeout.
Sam has only ever read 3 books - All three Boogie Bears.
First time mention of Glitter Gloss and Build a Bra which are stores mentioned a lot in the series.
When Toader comes in, this is in the blooper reel because Jerry says his name wrong.
The Dorfmans are the only cousins of the Shays that ever show up in the series.
Toader shows up to fence but then leaves without fencing to get french toast.
Spencer scrubs his tongue after tasting the gross green goo just like he does in iPie when Trudy kisses him.
Peppy-Cola is mentioned again, this time when Freddie drinks two after his nap.
It's a good thing Freddie slices the banana cause the top of it is all mushy brown and gross.
David (the kid who rubs Sam's feet) asks for lotion, so did Spencer in iMust get more viewers when he is released from the handcuffs.
Freddie gets another tick bath.
First time we see Wendy ( a re-occuring character )
Miss Briggs is mentioned but not seen.
According to this episode Sam's mom drives a rusty old pick up, but in iMust have Locker 239 she drives a rusty blue station wagon.
This episode also proves my theory that Freddie doesn't have a father.  Even though Mrs. Benson is referred to as "Mrs." her maiden name is Benson, proven by the fact that her father's last name was Benson in the Fencin' Bensons.  I believe that she got sperm donated to have Freddie, as his last name is her maiden name.  Freddie has no father unless he finds his sperm donor.
Mrs. Benson brings along her huge First Aid container, seen in iCarly Saves TV.
The "usual" pay out for the bets Sam and Freddie apparently have frequently is putting water in the person's pants.  This is also in the blooper reel when it sprays by itself.

Spencer Side Count:  Teaches Freddie how to Fence.

Penny Tee Count:  Quirky Chowder - worn by Freddie.

Review:  I love this episode!  I happen to be a huge Freddie fan so I usually like shows centered around him.  This one shows the bond that Freddie needs between himself and a guy (Spencer).  It also gives us some background on the Bensons.  I also like the interaction between Carly and Freddie when she regrets getting him in trouble.  As always he is very forgiving, but he does owe her from the last episode!

Total Score: 5/5

iMight Switch Schools Review

iMight Switch Schools  #21 on YTV
Originally Aired:  April 26, 2008 (21st), Filmed 22nd (122)

Synopsis:  A private school tries to woo Carly to go to their school.  She considers going after having a few dreams about the news school.  Freddie and Carly come up with a plan to make the headmaster see Carly has not "Briarwood material".  They make all their friends come over to play mini golf during Carly's interview, which is moved to her house.  The headmaster is about to leave when Sam and Freddie confess but then gets chased out the door by their friends.  Carly stays at Ridgeway.

Fun Facts:  
The part where Carly puts her sweater over her head is on the blooper reel.
Also the part where Carly says "why is she here?" is on the blooper reel when she accidentally says "who is she?".
Gibby is BACK and this is the first time he rips his shirt off.
This is the second time something has been stuck down the drain, a golf ball and previously a baby chick.
Nathan Kress is noticeably taller in this episode.

Spencer Side Count:  Makes a mini golf course for a job.  This is Spencer's 3rd job, as he was hired for Toasty the Baker, the dentist sculpture and now this mini golf course.

Penny Tee Count:  Coffee Noodles - worn by Sam

Review:  I like this episode because it shows the relationship between Sam, Carly and Freddie and shows they really love her and want her to stay.  Sam and Freddie actually work together to keep Carly at Ridgeway.  Spencer is a good big brother by allowing Carly to make her own decisions.  I also like in the end that Sam and Freddie confess and Carly understands.  It's a good storyline with adults that are no totally stupid.   Sam - "Sup Peeloff!?"

Total Score: 4/5

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

iStakeout Review

iStakeout  #20 on YTV
Originally Aired:  April 5, 2008 (20th), Filmed 21st (121)

Synopsis:  Two cops see a suspect on iCarly they have been trying to catch.  Apparently he sells pirated DVDs.  They cops hang out in the loft for weeks and catch nothing.  So the iCarlys go on their own stakeout wearing crazy outfits to get intel.  What they find out is that the guy is selling pirate movies he makes with his friends.
Side Story:  Sam and Freddie make a bet, Freddie loses and has to get a tattoo on his arm of Sam's face.

Fun Facts:  
Idiot adults alert!  The two cops are very inept.
TWO of the penny-tee phrases come from this episode - Parole Baby and Church Pants.
Sam's cousin Annie is a tattoo artist.
Peppi Cola makes an appearance.
Mrs. Benson appears again and we learn that she and Freddie take synchronized swimming classes.  Complete with tiny red speedo.
The cap cam seen in the last episode is back!  (iGot Detention).
The Blix machine in the background is the pop that was used a lot on Zoey 101.
Scarlet's Web is the same a Charlotte's Web.
The man who plays the store clerk is from the 80s show Moonlighting.
Freddie's mom calls him Fredward for the first time.

Spencer Side Count:  Making Socko a birthday cake that is shaped like a giant sock.

Penny Tee Count:  Finally!!! - Ointment 500, worn by Carly.

Review:  Crazy Fruit DUDE!  This one is NOT one of my favourites.  I am not into the stupid adult theme which you have seen previously.  This one has once again a pair of idiot adults.  The saving grace of the episode is the side story of Sam's face tattoo on Freddy.  That is funny.  Spencer makes the cop thing funny, but the cops really annoy me.

Total Score: 3/5

iGot Detention Review

iGot Detention #19 on YTV
Originally Aired:  March 22, 2008 (19th), Filmed 16th (116)

Synopsis:  It's iCarly's 50th webshow SPECTACULAR!  BUT Sam goes and gets detention.  So Carly and Freddie try to get into detention.  Carly manages to score detention but Freddie doesn't so he has to hide in the closet.  They film the show during detention but then Mr. Howard catches them.  Eventually Principal Franklin shows up and gets mad at Mr. Howard and finished the show with the kids.

Fun Facts:  
Is this Mr. Howard's first appearance??? I'm not sure!  I don't remember him being there before this one.
Sam eats popcorn with the same amount of butter I like.
Schools don't give detention AT NIGHT or on Saturdays.  That is just weird.  No teacher gets paid to stay and watch kids after 3pm.
Also the school does not give 2 month paid vacations when you get hurt, you can't just up and leave your classroom.  You'd get fired.
Mr. Howard doesn't actually stay in the detention room, he watches the Geometry channel.
Gibby returns!  And also gets a Texas wedgie which apparently causes your undies to steam.
The microwave given to Principal Franklin in a previous episode shows up.
Things Carly and Freddie do to get detention:  stealing the stapler,  unscrewing a chair so that it falls apart, writing "Principal Franklin Sucks Eggs" on the office window, setting off the fire alarm, slamming a locker (which succeeds!), grabbing the principals phone and throwing it on the ground.
Skybucks is a take off of Starbucks.
Rip-off Rodney returns selling burritos in detention.
The cap cam returns in iStakeout.
We find out that Mr. Howard is married and hates his wife.  Mr. Howard appears in several episodes of the series.
The Hangman puzzle says - Mr. Howard eats pants.
The crazy beat box kid from iPilot returns to distract Mr. Howard.  I think it's quite obvious who that kid is even with the sack on his head.
Principal Franklin returns!  And this is his first episode on iCarly's webshow, he does another one in iHave My Principals.  In this one he reveals his daughters watch the show.
AT the end in the giant coffee cup, you will once again observe that Carly wears a bikini and Sam a one piece.
Also, I wouldn't want to drink the coffee that Spencer has been swimming in all day.

Spencer Side Count:  Builds the HUGE coffee cup to symbolize the largeness of some coffee cups.

Penny Tee Count:  NONE

Review:  Ka-kaa - Freddie falling off the ladder and then making the sad bird call, hilarious!  I also love the sound effect for the title of the song.  Mr. Howard is one of my favourites!  Never in his entire life has he eaten ONE pair of pants.  Also when he smells burritos....hilarious.  This one is pretty good! Although it has more webshow in it then I like, it is hilarious.

Total Score: 4/5

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

iCarly Saves TV Review

iCarly Saves TV #18 on YTV
Originally Aired:  June 13, 2008 (23rd), Filmed 19th (119)

Synopsis:  The iCarlys are asked to move their show to the TVS network.  Where a dumb adult proceeds to change the show so much that it isn't iCarly anymore!  In the end he gives them back their right to the iCarly title because he decides the show shouldn't be called iCarly anymore.

Fun Facts:  
This episode is always shown on Canadian TV right after the Daka one, so all it looks like is iCarly being bought by adults for two whole shows in a row!
Again dumb adults show up, this time the TVS guy is an idiot!  I forgot to mention in my list of dumb adults the cops from the iStakeout episode.
The girl who plays Amber Tate was one of 5 kids who ended up winning a talent show called American Juniors to form a kid rock band several years ago (2003), her name is Rachel Fox but she is not listed on the American Juniors imdb site.  She was on the show with her older sister.  Lucy Hale was also one of these kids and is now on Pretty Little Liars, yet she IS listed.  Rachel does list that she sings in two rock bands.
Apparently if you run a tv network you can barge into classrooms and take kids away.
Mrs. Benson appears again.
Leon Thomas of Victorious appears as Harper the leader of the iCarly band.
The part where Spencer eats the cucumber cup and then chucks it out is shown in the blooper reel.
We see Mrs. Benson's GIANT first aid case and then we see it again in iFence.

Spencer Side Count:  Spends a lot of time eating fancy fruits and sodas.

Penny Tee Count:  NONE

Review:  This episode makes me want to run away!!!  Once again their is a completely STUPID adult with a high paying job that knows nothing.  Freddie is not in this episode enough!  He gets dump jobs to do.  Amber Tate is annoying and all the things the dumb guy wants are also annoying and stupid.  Although I love Leon's voice I find it annoying that the last part of the show is just him singing.  The only things I like about this episode is the side story of Mrs. Benson taking care of Spencer because she is sad that Freddie is away all the time AND when Sam beats up Zeebo.  This episode can be summed up in one word "Zeebo".

Total Score: 2/5 - not as bad as I Dream of Dance...but almost.

iPromote Techfoots Review

iPromote Techfoots #17 on YTV
Originally Aired:  March 15,  2008 (18th), Filmed 17th (117)

Synopsis:  The iCarlys are asked to promote Techfoots by Daka.  They promote them but then the shoes end up being awful and people threaten to boycott iCarly.  Spencer finds a loophole in the contract where all they have to say is positive things.  They make an episode of iCarly that makes fun of the shoe while saying positive things.  Daka threatens to sue but Spencer threatens to sue BACK.  Daka then pays them their contract AND gives refunds to iCarly viewers.  At the end Carly buys a motorcycle for Spencer which is super cute.

Fun Facts:  
Freddie's voice has changed a lot since the last episode and they were filmed 5 apart.
Spencer says he goes to Canada because he ends up asleep on a bus and brings back Canadian Bacon.  There are a few things wrong with this.  First, you can't just cross the border while sleeping, you have to show i.d.  Second Americans are the only ones who use the term "Canadian Bacon", in Canada we call it Back Bacon or Ham.  I found this out when I went to the states and ordered Ham on my pizza and they said it was called Canadian Bacon.  I was very confused.  We do NOT call our bacon Canadian Bacon it is actually just called bacon and looks like plain old American bacon.  So when Spencer is surprised it's only ham and says Canadians call it that....WRONG SIR.
The iCarlys Make 100,000 dollars for the Daka promotion which gives them about 33,000 each over 12 months would be about 2750 a month.  However, the Daka says they would get just over 8000 a month, which is true as a total for all 3 kids.  However, in the end they only get 30,000 for their contract buy out.  This would give each kid 10,000 which in the states would be enough for a motorbike.
The kids spend their money on - Sunglasses, a new lap top and a personal chef.
It is pointed out that bike hangs in their kitchen that they never use.
The Daka shoes have the following problems:  Not cool looking, squeak all the time, erase the hard drive on a computer, shock you when you step in water, burst into flames, front of shoe splits open when wet, hurt your feet, toe warmer catches on fire if you tap it.
The word "Jank" is used to refer to the shoes and Janky bikes.  Later it is referred to Spencer when he is on the "Jank" in a later episode.
First time Spencer's lawyer abilities are used!  He went to law school for 3 days.  Sam says 20 minutes.
Adults are often meant to look stupid in iCarly, the owner of Daka and his minions, the owner of the TV show later, the Dingo Channel boys, Ginger Fox, The Petographers etc.
Socko's brothers name is Tyler and gave Spencer the tie.

Spencer Side Count:  Builds a bike.  Rollerblades hilariously.  "Own Minute I'm blading down Hill St.  Feeling on top of the world...".  "How wonderful, isn't that great, ROASTING WIENIES!"

Penny Tee Count:  NONE

Review:  I love that fake iCarly commericial.  I'm Carly, I'm Sam we love the new Techfoot...mmmmm.  Also love how it's a fun time for Carly, and her song she sings about being a rich girl.  Her little trial of all her sunglasses is hilarious.  Love Sonya the chef "blubbery muffins?".  Also love Spencers hilarious rollerblading!  I also like when Spencer uses his lawyer abilities to help Carly, I love it when he does that.

Total Score: 4/5

iDon't Want to Fight Review

iDon't Want to Fight #16 on YTV
Originally Aired:  March 1,  2008 (17th), Filmed 12th (112)

Synopsis:  It's Carly and Sam's friendship anniversary but all goes wrong.  Carly gives Sam a special t-shirt that she made.  BUT Sam trades it for Cuddlefish concert tickets so she and Carly can go.  BUT Carly gets all angry and refuses to go.  The two continue to fight until Freddie ties their hair to ropes and makes them tell the iCarly audience their sides of the story.  In the end the audience votes for neither girl but that their fight is stupid and they should make up.

Fun Facts:  
Carly and Sam have been friends for 5 years, so they became friends in grade 3.
Carly says it took her two weeks to make the t-shirt.  BUT it only takes a couple of minutes to get a shirt made with a photo on it.  She didn't sew the shirt.  What?
Freddie says that Sam only rips on him because she has a crush on him...but later that turns out to be TRUE.
We meet Rip Off Rodney who returns in iGot Detention.
The next huge Sam/Carly fight occurs in iQuit iCarly.
Terene shows back up again, we last saw her in iSpy a Mean Teacher when she attended another concert and took a photo of a teacher in a mosh pit.  Terene apparently goes to a lot of concerts.
Spencer's advice to Freddie is when you break up with a girl they don't like it when you ask out her sister.  And then mentions a fork in the arm, which happens to Freddie when Ginger Fox throws one into his shoulder during iFix a Pop Star.
This is the second time Spencer drinks a fish, he did the same when building his Splatter Man sculpture.
The part where Nathan says "I don't bluff" is in the blooper reel.
The photo of Jerry Trainor on the pony shows up on the bookshelf BEHIND Freddie in the living room.  That's 3 places it is kept.  I also know it goes on Carly's wall in her bedroom in her new room.

Spencer Side Count:  Kills many goldfish.  His goldfish are:  Reggie, Swimmy and Brock.  Builds an automatic fish feeder which makes no sense because he has to start it and reload it every time anyway!  Brock survives because Carly takes him BACK to the pet store.

Penny Tee Count:  NONE

Review:  Dang, this one starts off with too many stupid videos sent in by iCarly fans.  Oh and then I have to live through another one later in the show.  Argh.  I hate those videos!  Dang this one also has GERMY in it...I can't stand that character.  Fortunately I like how Freddie solves the problem and how this fight doesn't involve stupid side characters like in iQuit iCarly.  Not one of my faves.  "KNUCKLE TOUCH!"  "BECAUSE I LOVE HER!"

Total Score: 2/5

iHatch Chicks Review

iHatch Chicks #15 on YTV
Originally Aired:  February 23,  2008 (16th), Filmed 11th (111)

Synopsis:  Carly and Sam have to do a science project and so they Hatch Chicks.  However, during their hatching the ninja chicks escape.  They must be found before they DIE!  So the entire crew goes looking for them, including Duke the sweaty wrestler.  All 6 chicks are found in time and the world is saved!

Fun Facts:  
Duke is played by one of Nathan Kress' best friends, Doug.  He was seen in iPilot as one of the wrestlers that Freddie's locker is near.  Nathan and Doug play Rock Band together in a video on You Tube.
The same photo of Jerry Trainor riding a pony as a child is on the fridge and in Carly's locker.
Hobos are mentioned again, last time was when they don't have cable.
Carly threatens to bite Sam's hand in iHate Sam's Boyfriend and actually does in this episode.
Carly is always shown in a bikini but Sam is always in a one piece, also seen in iSaw him First when Carly wears another bikini but Sam is in pants and a top and an afro.  This also happens when Freddie and Sam are in a kiddy pool in a podcast and in the giant coffee cup that Spencer builds.
Nathan's voice is always a different octave throughout season 1 because they never show the episodes in the filmed order.  When Freddie says he hasn't been sticky in weeks it's more obvious.
How the stealth chicks escaped is always a mystery.
The chicks were named:  Shelly, Huevo, Omelet, Benedict, Yoko and Poachy.  As they are found they are randomly given one name.
There is apparently a website called chickapedia which is an obvious reference to wikipedia.
Sam's trombone lessons are mentioned in this and iSaw him First.
The scene where they find Poachy was redone in iApril Fools with some crazy character named Minko added.
Shelly is found in Spencer's Shower by Spencer.
Huevo is found in the sink drain by Sam and Carly.
Omelet is found behind the fridge by Freddie and Duke.
Benedict is found in the wall by Freddie and Duke
Yoko is found on a beam in the studio by Sam and Carly.
Duke says "I hear peeping!" Several times.
Poachy is first seen in the elevator window by Sam and Carly but then is found by Spencer in the heat duct and crawls into his mouth.
Poachy rides the elevator UP 3 floors with Sam and Carly but when Freddie calls the car back Poachy disappears and doesn't ride it down.

Spencer Side Count:  Helps them find chicks

Penny Tee Count:  NONE

Review:  Cute chicks + Jerry Trainor singing + Duke's love for animals = a great episode.  Although it's a simple plot line and the ninja chicks shouldn't have been able to escape, I find this episode quite funny!  I love Spencer trying to suck the chick back to him, his roly polies and his singing!  Freddie's sad reaction to thinking he killed a chick is also a good moment.  MOVE I LOVE ANIMALS!!!  ROLY POLY!!!

Total Score: 5/5

iHate Sam's Boyfriend Review

iHate Sam's Boyfriend #14 on YTV
Originally Aired:  February 9,  2008 (15th), Filmed 20th (120)

Synopsis:  Sam likes a guy named Jonah and they start dating.  Unfortunately they becomes super annoying texting and being with each other constantly.  Carly tries to talk to Jonah about it when he makes a move on her.  She doesn't want to tell Sam but Sam finds out and wedgy bounces him into submission.  Revenge, sweet, revenge.

Fun Facts:  
The teacher is supposed to be dressed like a chicken but is actually a parrot.  I have no idea why this wasn't just changed in the script...but it wasn't.
Freddie is seen with is one shoulder school bag which has for the rest of the seasons.  In previous shows you only see his camo backpack.
Gibby is mentioned and heard but not seen.
Freddie mentions that Sam has really great teeth but in a later episode iThink they Kissed, it is revealed that Sam has horrid teeth and never goes to the dentist.  Jennette McCurdy however, does has great teeth.
Apparently Sam had a boyfriend in 5th grade who's leg she broke.
The Wedgy Bounce is introduced.
At this point both Freddie and Sam have had a significant other in an episode, except Carly.
Sam calls Jonah "baby" which is what she calls Freddie when she dates him later.
Although Sam has a giant pic of Jonah in a heart in her locker she still has pics of Drake Bell and Johnny Depp.
Messin' with Lewbert is mentioned but not carried out again.
Kay-Kay is said for the first time, this is Cat from Victorious' main line.
Sam also calls Jonah "cupcake" and "sweety".
Although they hadn't planned to do the Wedgy Bounce on the show, there just happened to be a ladder on the side waiting.

Spencer Side Count:  Makes a stop motion movie with clay which ends up being about 1 minute long.

Penny Tee Count:  NONE

Review:  Although I find Jonah pretty dang annoying, I do like this episode because Carly and Freddie have a lot of time together when dealing with Sam's lack of helping.  I love that Sam doesn't blame Carly for Jonah's attempted kissing and instead believes her and wedgy bounces his butt!  LOVE IT!  Sam and Carly are best buds.  "I'm FREAKING OUT Freddie, FREAKING OUT!".

Total Score: 4/5